Monday, September 24, 2012

Cummington Fair, 2012, junior division

Black Eyed Susans
 Yes, this will involve bragging. No, I won't apologize. Would you?

Amanda entered some Black-Eyed Susans. They grow like crazy in front of our house.
Amanda's knitted scarf

Her sewn goods were really impressive, though! I don't have a photo, but she won a plaque for Best Sewing Display. Not bad for twelve years old!

Did well in cherry tomatoes...
Did very well with paste tomatoes...

We swept the Green Beans...

Also swept the grapes...
Not bad in bread-and-butter pickles, either!
The birdhouse Adam made in wood shop
And the canned green beans...
Amanda's painted rock

Amy Charlotte's dolphin watercolor
Amanda's Four Seasons painting
Andy's pencil drawing of a Halloween train

Amanda's marker drawing of a horse

 I gave up on trying to make these photos go where I wanted them. And the egg photos - while repetitive - just wouldn't format at ALL. Take my word that we won half a dozen ribbons for eggs, please.

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